This is a cult site among tech divers! One has to make many dives to see the entire place. Northern, southern and central parts of the dive site are ideal for deep dives. The fall to the bottom (if the dive to 110m is planned) is possible to make along the wall. The record Baikal dive to the depth of 154m was made here. This is ideal place for deep dives and excellent place for tech dives. As the dive area is large, it is divided into three sites: Canyon, Wall, and Slope.
Srednyaja – Canyon. In the southern part of the site, you find a canyon that begins as a big sandy crater on the short shelf at a depth of 5 to 10 meters. A stone terraces overgrown with sponges.
This is one of the few places at Lake Baikal where you can ALWAYS see big yellow gammari. Curiously, the gammari that usually migrate following cold water, stay here even when the water warms up by the end of summer.
Recommended depths: 3-20 meters for photographing and filming gammari, 6-45 meters for photographing and filming canyon and grotto, 6-40 meters for recreational dives, and up to 100 meters for deep and trimix dives.
Srednyaja - Wall. The central part of the site is a grandiose vertical wall that comes to steep stepped slope. At 8m there is a memorial table for drowned diver. At 37m there is a cave with narrow entrance (cave dives require special training). On the depth of 55m there are two joint caverns. At 77m there is a terrace with a part of navigational sign. At 90m there is a cavern. At 110m there is a flag of Russian Army installed by diver Edik Gazimov.
Recommended depths: 3-20 meters for photographing and filming gammari, 6-65 meters for photographing and filming wall and cave, 6-40 meters for recreational dives, and up to 140 meters for deep and trimix dives.
Srednyaja – Slope. The northern part of the dive site is a drop-off that abruptly changes to a slope, which makes the interesting part of the site, i.e. the border of the slope and the wall. The northern side of the site starts with corner where the drop off sharply inclines. On this corner the navigation signs are usually installed and many of them lie on the depths of 6-15m and also on the depth of 90-100m under the drop off. On the wall at this place there are negative declinations. The drop off on the depth of 90-95m comes steep slope. On the drop off edge there are thickets of sponges and beautiful plants closer to the shore.
Recommended depths: 3-20 meters for photographing and filming gammari, 6-40 meters for photographing and filming wall, 6-40 meters for recreational dives, and up to 100 meters for deep and trimix dives