Recommended depths: three to 40 meters for photographing and filming, three to 40 meters for recreational dives, and up to 100 meters for deep and trimix dives.
The dive site owns its name to the shelf that, according to some divers, looks like a pasture ground for seals.
The site features a deep drop-off and a large shelf. The drop-off is rugged and even “sharp” in some places. The sharp parts called “feathers” are characteristic of the Ushkany drop-offs. The common rocks of the Ushkany Islands are limestone and marble. The rocks dissolve in the water and form intricate Gothic-like structures, i.e. “feathers”, grottos, tunnels, underwater sculptures, and mountains. Due to the big amount of limestone, the colors of the Ushkany drop-offs differ depending on the depth. At a depth of two to three meters, the prevailing colors are white and yellow because the rocks are constantly cleaned by the waves and ice. Below three meters, the rocks are green, grown with branchy and bark-like sponges. The green gradually fades as you go deeper and, starting from 20 meters, the drop-off becomes gray and black because of the organic substances on the rock surface. As you go even deeper, the sedimental and growing organic substances disappear, and the drop-off becomes white and yellow again